Learning How to Learn

What effective educational approaches can you use in your life? Learn more →


Studying challenges

Neither school nor college is teaching how to learn education material properly. We are drilling monotonous tasks to pass the exams, which unfortunately doesn't give the real knowledge.

Conclusion: Learning process is essential, but why it isn't widely taught? And what can we do about it?

There are certain techniques and exercises which are helping to change the approach to education and make it effective and thrilling! Similar techniques are being used in Practicum by Yandex.

Learning Techniques

5 Strategies by Barbara Oakley


Two attention modes

Thorough knowledge is possible if you combine focused and diffused ways of thinking



Create brain-chains with practice, repetition, and recall



Switch back and forth between learning different skills.



Ask teachers,instructors questions which really challenge you!


Test yourself

Have others test you. Teach others. All of these are related to recall.

TED Talks

For those who like procrastinating

Barbara Oakley's Story.

Engineering professor Barbara Oakley knows firsthand how it feels to struggle with math. She flunked her way through high school math and science courses, before enlisting in the army immediately after graduation. When she saw how her lack of mathematical and technical savvy severely limited her options—both to rise in the military and to explore other careers—she returned to school with a newfound determination to re-tool her brain to master the very subjects that had given her so much trouble throughout her entire life.

Feynman Technique

Learn once and forever

Learn more → Feinman_Portrait

More Interesting Facts

About learning and brain activity

2.1 billion

Amount of neurons in the human brain

86 billion

People who are seeking continuous education

The World Bank, 2017

1000 terabytes

The memory capacity of a human brain

500 trillion

Amount of neural connections the adult has.

420 million

People younger than 25 years old without higher education.

The World Bank, 2017

17-20 years old

Peak of the learning curve


Forgetting Curve discovered


Conditioned response discovered

Salman Khan

The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined

Sal Khan's passion and innovation is transforming learning for millions of students worldwide. The One World School is a must-read for all who are committed to improving education so students everywhere can gain the skills and knowledge to be successful in school, careers and life.

George Lucas


Learning strategies

by Josh Kaufman


Choose an exciting project.


Focus on just one skill.


Establish your goal - small, but doable.


Break the skill down into smaller parts.


Set up your space for learning.


Remove barriers.


Set up a time frame for learning.


Allow some room for self-correction.


Spend the actual 20 hours learning.


Pay attention to quality and speed of learning.


More resources for you

Techniques and Life Hacks to Learn Anything!